Thomas Cooper's Pilsner Kit
1.5 kg Coopers Light Liquid Malt Extract
250g Carapils - steeped 30mins
30g NZ Saaz - 45 mins
15 NZ Saaz - 15 mins
Brewing Notes:
This one is rather less hoppy than the last attempt, which I'm beginning to regret, as the last one was bloody good. Ah well. Another one will follow soon, and I have a bloody lot of NZ Saaz sitting around.
Fermenting Notes:
Pitched the next morning, as it was too hot when I went to bed. Whoops, need to pour the boil onto ice I think.
Bottling Notes:
Bottled 8/6/10, with the aid of Felix I, Duc De Natris.
Batch 2
Same as above, but made about a week later.