Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Seasonal fruit and other whimseys.

It would seem that the Corktropolis City Brewhouse (CCB) has missed the window on Blood- Orange-ade. Tis a shame, it would have been awesome. However, it does mean that an alcoholic lemonade is much more likely, as we could really do with some practice using citrus in brewing. So stay tuned as there should be a lemonade recipie up here soon, and, given that uni is winding down and that summer is winding up, it's a mighty good time of the year to be brewing, so we should actually be getting around to it sometime very soon.

Further to that, the partial mash Pilsner attempt ended in some confusion(see "An Extractive Industrial Pilsner" here). However, after checking out some clips of all-grain brewing, confusion abdicated, as it were, and the ease with which a switch to basic all-grain brewing could be made was revealed.

Thus, a quest begins. The Brewhouse is in need of a large esky with a tap in the bottom, and a vessel in which to boil 25L of wort (note to self - compile a dictionary of brewing terms). You have your mission. See you on the other side of all-grain, Brewcave peeps.

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