Sunday, August 26, 2007

King Midas Bitter

Named due to the rather exorbitant amount of Golding's Hops added to the brew. Could be interesting.

Coopers Real Ale Kit
1kg Light Dry Malt Extract
150g Crystal Malt
500g Dextrose
30g Goldings @ 30mins
20g Goldings @ 15mins
10g Goldings @ 5mins.

Brewing Notes: Mixed it up, as you do. Quite run of the mill really.

Bottled: 28/8/07

10/9/07 A dem fine beer indeed, hoppy but not too hoppy, goes down a treat. One to build on I think.
13/9/07 Drank a few at Mull n Carc's wondeful citadel on Strathallan, and the grolsch seals left some undercarbed, when compared to the crown-sealed stubbies. Looks like its time for new seals.