Thursday, January 04, 2007

1. Milo to VB in three easy steps.

1 can Coopers Real Ale
1 kg Dextrose
200g Corn Syrup
800g Light Malt Extract

Brewing Notes:
Straightford really. Boiled water, mixed in ingredients.
I believe I boiled the kit too, i wont do that anymore, due
to advice from the Homebrew and Beer Forum.

Tasting Notes:
2 weeks: horribly sweet and evil. Way too green.
1 month: Apparently still very sweet, though I wasnt there
to taste it. I gave 24 stubbies of it to a mate for his birthday,
and then went to Ecuador for six months.
6 months: No sweetness, only bitterness. Not great at all,
over the hill for sure. Wish i was in Australia to taste it at
three months, it may have been alright. It sits about 7% alc/vol.
7 months: I take back what I said above, this beer was brilliant
really cold, absolutely brilliant, and still good a tad warmer, ie.
when almost finished and it's been sitting in the heat for a bit.
I shall miss this beer. But 7 months is a long time to wait.

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